Education Dept. Prepares Large Group Study PPT for New Teachers

AM HQ Education Department is preparing large group Bible Study powerpoint slides for new teachers to utilize. These materials will help the students-leaders organize the messages more clearly and also to present it visually to the new listeners.

Various AM student-leaders have requested materials that could be used to express the Bible message in a clearer way. Some listeners may find it difficult to engage while just listening. The powerpoint slides are available to help listeners focus and also take accurate notes. Each slide includes supplementary Bible verses, subtopics, images, and bullet points.

The first set of powerpoint slides prepared are from Genesis chapters 1-3. The rest of the Basic Bible Study 101 series will include 7 Gospel messages focused on healing and meeting Jesus. These messages are suitable for non-Christians, Christians, and seekers. The series after that will be for Romans chapters 1-8.

Please pray for the completion of the 10 Basic Bible Study 101 powerpoint slides.

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