AM HQ Holds First Praise Rehearsal for Large Group Sunday Fellowship

AM HQ staff, Vanessa, and AM members from India, Judah and Jeffina, held their first rehearsal in preparation for Sunday Fellowship praise and worship.

Judah and Jeffina became AM members in the month of August and now they are sharing their grace with the world through volunteering to lead praise during AM’s Sunday Fellowship Bible Studies. Both students are talented in vocals, piano, and guitar. Both have a love for music and an unquenching passion for Jesus.

During closing prayer, Jeffina shares her thankfulness of being able to serve God despite the sin and past mistakes. The attitude of a graceful heart is one we are all familiar with. It truly allows us to serve God, recognize our incapabilities, find redemption with a pure heart, and be blessed by Him.

Please pray for continued blessings upon both students from India, that God can use them in miraculous ways, and for more AM members to contribute their gifts and heart to God.

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