AM Develops ‘Story Highlights’ Content on Instagram

This week AM launched “Story Highlights” on the International and US&Canada Instagram Pages to showcase lent bible study content, student testimonials, and regular bible study content.

The Lent bible study highlights includes a summary of the message taught on that day from AM’s The Way, The Truth, The Life of Jesus Lent Series occurring every night at 6:30pm EST. In addition, a picture of those who participated that evening is also included occasionally within the posts to encourage newcomers to join. AM creates these posts daily and publishes them the day after each bible study.

The student testimonials include videos of students giving their testimony on how Bible study has led them closer to Jesus and giving the audience good reasons to join AM’s Bible Studies. Those who have shared their reflections so far are students from India, US&Canada, and Uruguay. AM will continue to gather more testimonies from other chapters and students who are willing to participate and give feedback.

Another highlight idea that AM wants to incorporate is a “AM History” highlight showcasing the story of AM’s beginnings, pioneers, and how it became the fellowship it is today. In the future, AM will also create highlights for “events”, “podcasts”, and other content that is in the works. Through these content ideas, we hope to gather more students and build AM’s social media presence to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.

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