Interview: Raising Passionate Men of God Through Group Bible Study

AM staff, Pastor Michael, was interviewed to answer some questions about his passion to serve young men through an “interactive” group bible study that will allow them to express themselves in a safe and secure environment. He was asked a series of questions and below were his responses.

Ashley: What sparked your interest?
Pastor Michael: The idea came from a devotional that I read titled, “Men of the Bible.” The writing in the devotional inspired me to want to start a group that is focused on teaching lectures and bible studies to young men so that they can see that they also connect with the Godly men in the bible.

Ashley: What are your strategies?
Pastor Michael: I have set up two powerful and simple goals for men’s bible study programs which one includes finding and raising 4 men by the end of 2021 into teachers. And the other is to have at least 7 students joining each bible study. The latter goal is accompanied by the plan of evangelizing online daily and confirming at least 12 guys per week to join between Tuesday-Monday at 5pm EST

Ashley: How will this program contribute to the expansion of AM?
Pastor Michael: I believe that there is a lack of men in faith. There is a need for male to male leadership and guidance.

The interview took place on Nov. 25th and the bible program began on Nov. 30th. At the conclusion of the lecture, Pastor Michael posed a question to engage the students on a deeper level. The question was “what do you do difficult to follow in the bible?” The responses of the men varied.

Stan: To not worry all the time. I know that life goes on but I am worried about being lazy. I know that Jesus wants the best for me. But I have a tendency to worry. That’s not good because Jesus says not to worry about the future but to focus on today.

Judah: Sometimes it is hard to love people who hate us. Some people hate me for no reason and it is really hard for me to love. I just want to get out of the citation because it is a hard thing to love people who hate us.

Anthony: Doubting a lot. I noticed myself in my mind being really judgmental of new knowledge and breakthroughs within myself. As I read the word I use that to reassure myself but I struggle with doubting about myself.

Pastor Michael concluded with comforting words to the men by telling that the beautiful thing is when we give up and let Jesus do his work.

These were the final remarks of Pastor Michael, “the first day of the new format went well. I always envisioned many programs for AM that would have their own unique format. The message and point is the same, but the vehicle to get us there was different and the guys appreciated the fresh format as well as vital lesson on obedience and following the right example, the right Man- Jesus”

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