NA Begins Developing Men’s Bible Material, Aims to Teach Godly Character & Leadership

AM North America has set a goal for mass evangelism and focused effort on raising disciples.

To support this goal, the North America HQ is working on a Bible study package of 10 messages which teach about 10 men of the Bible and their virtues or lack of virtue. These are being formulated to contextualize our usual messages into a form that would apply more to men and their daily struggles. For example, the messages will feature the faith of Abraham, the arrogance of Adam, the forgiveness of Joseph, etc.

The HQ actually wishes to develop the material more so, but it will begin as a simple 10 message package.

The material is being developed by North America leader, Michael, who is aiming for the long-term goal of overturning the weakness in male leadership within the church, families, and the world. The purpose of the messages is to teach godly character and leadership through Biblical examples.

Michael shared, “I’ve only had a hand full of males in my life leave a positive impact on my me, and I see that even in the church, the lack of male leaders is evident. Satan has made the definition and image of men a very blurred and distasteful thing. Only through Christ can we ever find out how to be men. So I pray that a men’s focused effort with this and other Bible material can really engage many young men for God’s plans in their life.”

The 10 men of the Bible series is slated to come out no later than end November, with an early projected release of the date of General assembly. Please pray for the new material to be a great tool used in mass evangelism of brothers in the near future.

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