AM International online large group met on Sunday, February 7 for their regular meeting. The meeting included 4 newcomers and 10 regular attendees. In total, 14 people joined the large group meeting, surpassing the initial goal of 12.
The message on Sunday was delivered by Pastor Michael and continued the series of the Parables of Heaven. The message came from Matthew 13:31-33, the parable of the yeast. Yeast is the substance that brings change. Jesus used yeast to describe how something small can make a powerful change. The world can truly change with the truth is proclaimed. As the Kingdom builders, the students were exhorted to live as the salt, light, and yeast of the world to shine the light of Jesus to this dark world. We should not live mixed and changed by the world, but we should be used as vessels of God to bring a holy change.
After the message, all attendees shared their reflections.
One attendee, Ashley, shared: The parables really give me great hope. Lately, it has been really heavy on my heart about how God will use just me to be the change for my family and friends. It is hard for me to see it, but this message gave me hope that God can do anything and he can use the smallest person to make a great change. So I just want to be sure to stay connected to God, so that I can see this change within myself and in others to come very soon.
Emanuella: We are supposed to go out and spread the Gospel. I used to be scared to post about God but then I saw this video that said that we should be brave and share. So I started posting about him and seen that everyone around me started sharing his name too. So this message told me to not be scared because he gave us the commission so I just really want to go out and live my life for Christ.