Before the year 2020 ended, AM Uruguay received many students from online evangelism. As the new year has begun, they have continued to carry out the works of online evangelism. This month they evangelized young students that are between 16 and 28 years old. There are students from Uruguay that are interested in Law and Science careers and there are students from Paraguay who are currently students at the University of Medicine and Nursing. Out of these students, two have signed as members of AM Uruguay.
This is a reflection of a student from Paraguay named Enilse: “Today’s word has touched me a lot, even it looks to be written to speak to myself. We are sinners, and God gives us the opportunity every day to be able to repent of our sins. Without going overboard, He gives us the opportunity to fill those gaps with the full happiness that He offers us !! “
AM Uruguay has plans to raise these students through face to face bible studies. Uruguay leaders will diligently teach them Bible studies, with hopes that what they learn will help them to set goals and challenge their faith.
Once these students have received all of their bible study teachings, they can serve with AM Uruguay by being volunteers. This work would include evangelism, learning how to begin teaching their own bible studies, and hopefully one day on a chapter in their respective cities.
It is important that these students receive training because they can grow spiritually and use their talents to serve in this ministry. They must go through training in order to strengthen their faith so that they can know God more deeply.
Raising more members to be strong in faith will allow AM Uruguay to expand into other countries. New chapters can be opened in many different neighboring cities. May AM Uruguay continue to raise and train their students well, so that they can go and evangelize many others.