AM Korea Summer Mission Trip at Chonnam National University

The AM Korea mission team traveled to Gwangju to focus on evangelism at the Chonnam National University for 4 days this summer. AM Korea set up the goal to establish 3 chapters throughout the summer months. The first step to fulfill it is to restore the chapter in Chonnam University this month by setting up a new mission leader and gathering more students.

AM Chonnam is one of 10 AM chapters established in 2014, and since its opening in 2014, many students from Chonnam National University have been actively joining AM programs in the nation.

The earnest prayer topic for AM Korea is to set up a minister in AM Chonnam so that the fire of evangelism will be kindled again, and the prepared souls, thirsting for the truth can be found and new life may continue to be born.

The AM Korea HQ will provide online and onsite mission training and educational materials for the students who are interested in becoming a student-leader.

AM Korea will continue active outreach and pray for gathering many interested Bible study students.

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